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  • Cheryl Reifsnyder, PhD and Sara Fletcher · July 7, 2023

    5 Benefits of Using Practice Fusion Billing Services for Your Medical Practice


    In 2023, independent medical practices are facing an increasing number of challenges. On the financial front, medical practices experienced consistently negative operating margins in 2022, resulting from low patient volumes, revenue decreases, and high expenses. Data from Deloitte shows median operating margins down by 46%...


  • Practice Fusion · June 26, 2023

    Practice Fusion Tips and Tricks to Make Patient Charting More Efficient


    Physicians are spending an estimated 4 and a half hours a day completing their electronic health records (EHRs). Findings published in the JAMA Internal Medicine reported that the majority of American physicians feel that EHR documentation takes too long and reduces the amount of time...


  • Practice Fusion · May 10, 2023

    Helping Your Patients Set Up Their Patient Fusion Accounts


    Patient Fusion is the built-in patient portal for the Practice Fusion electronic health record (EHR). It enables patients and/or their authorized representative to electronically access their medical records, so they can view, download, and transmit the medical data shared with them. The information available through...


  • Practice Fusion · March 2, 2023

    How The Practice Fusion Reporting Features Can Help Make Data More Manageable


    Practice Fusion is a cloud-based electronic health record (EHR)—a digital version of patients’ medical records, maintained over time—with the ability to automate information access and streamline the clinician’s workflow. It can also support other care-related activities, such as quality management, evidence-based decision support, and outcomes...


  • Practice Fusion · January 31, 2023

    Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)


    Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) is a Health Level Seven International (HL7®) standard that defines the exchange of healthcare information between multiple computer systems regardless of how it is stored in those systems. This standard ensures that healthcare information, including clinical and administrative data, can...
