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Find out why we rank the #1 EHR for 1-3 clinician practices

Give your solo practice the freedom to do more with the best EHR for individual practices. In a national survey of over 22,000 medical professionals, Practice Fusion ranked #1 out of 480 EHRs in:

black book

Save thousands and improve return on investment

Providers spend an average of $31,710 more per year than they expect, with an average of $117,672 annually on their EHR. (Source)


Customize your EHR to fit you

Setting up an EHR doesn’t have to take a lot of time, money and energy. You can be charting in minutes, with the freedom to customize your EHR to fit your needs. There’s no software to install and no hardware to manage. Best of all, we’re continually ranked the #1 EHR for solo and individual practices.

market share

Practice Fusion is the dominant product for 1-3 clinician practices.

E-prescribe the way you want

Help your patients get the medications they need faster with our award-winning e-prescribing system.


Chart the way you want

Personalize your preferences with the most versatile EHR on the market. Charting is more natural and intuitive with less clicking and typing, giving you more time to focus on your patients.

  • Chart anywhere from your internet-connected computer, tablet or mobile device.
  • Quickly track patient health data, identify gaps in chronic care, and view historic lab results during the encounter with customizable flowsheets.
  • Edit and modify charting templates to fit your workflow.
  • Reduce faxing and scanning by sending lab and imaging orders and receiving results electronically.
  • Easily track and manage referrals to make sure your patients get the follow up care they need.
  • Attach unlimited chart notes to any referral you send.


Practice the way you want

Spend less time on administrative tasks and more time on patient care with our leading-edge practice management and patient engagement tools.

meaningful use

Bill the way you want

Get paid faster with flexible billing options. Whether you are a cash-only practice, manage billing in-house or use a billing service, you can bill the way that works best for your solo and individual medical practice.

Simplify your billing.

  • Verify payment before any visit. Insurance eligibility checks run automatically, so you never spend time looking up insurance or switching between systems.
  • Never memorize another ICD-10 code. Find the diagnosis codes you’re looking for with a search by ICD-9 code, ICD-10 or keyword.
  • Looking for integrated billing? Our preferred billing partners offer the industry’s most popular and affordable billing solutions which integrate directly into your EHR.
  • Already have your own billing? No need to change any of your existing billing processes. Practice Fusion allows you to print, export, or securely send electronic superbills to your existing internal or external biller.


Custom-tailored solutions without the custom-tailored cost

Get started in minutes with personalized implementation support from a dedicated specialist — no matter if your a single provider practice.

  • We’re fully versed in other EHR systems and will support you throughout the transition with 1-on-1 customized implementation. Our specialists can look at your current workflows and help you replicate them in your new EHR.
  • We can help you upload your list of patients and all your data into your EHR account. We’ll even set up an appointment with our Export specialists to assist with exporting your data from your current system.
  • Whether transitioning from another EHR, upgrading from paper, or starting a small medical practice, we create individual transition plans to ensure you’re prepared.
  • Most private practices are fully running with Practice Fusion’s EHR within 30-60 days, with the flexibility to move at your own pace.
  • Your dedicated, ongoing support team member will continue to reach out to you to make sure you’re set up for success.
  • Custom online resources like our live chat and webinars let you ask for help when you need it, while resources like our video tutorials and Meaningful Use hub let you train on your own.


Use only the features you need

Whether you’re just looking for an e-prescribing platform or you want a full practice management and patient engagement system, you can simply use only the EMR features that you need. If there’s a feature that you want us to develop let us know— we’re continually updating our EHR based on your feedback.

See for yourself why we’re ranked #1 for solo and small practices

There’s no commitment if you want to test out our Meaningful Use certified EHR. You can also keep revenue flowing while you evaluate our EHR as there’s no need to shut down your current billing system. Give your general practice the freedom to do more.

Try a better EHR now