Practice Fusion - page 31
Practice Fusion is the #1 cloud-based electronic health record (EHR) platform for doctors and patients in the U.S., with a mission of connecting doctors, patients and data to drive better health and save lives. As the largest cloud-based EHR and the fourth largest EHR overall1, Practice Fusion is helping to reshape the future of healthcare.
Latest from Practice Fusion - page 31
Practice Fusion · February 20, 2014
HIMSS 2014: Chromebook giveaway at Practice Fusion's booth
If you’re attending the HIMSS 2014 annual conference, then you know that it’s difficult to prioritize where to spend your time and which booths to visit in the expansive exhibit hall. If you’re part of the 40% of attendees who will be visiting for the...
Practice Fusion · February 14, 2014
EHR Patient Portal: Improving the doctor-patient relationship
With our new product update last week, your patients now only need a phone number and email to register for their patient portal (PHR). While your enrollment workflow will look the same, your patients can now register to access their key health information with simple...
Practice Fusion · February 6, 2014
EHR Update: Additional options for entering vitals
Last night, your EHR was updated with several enhancements requested by our customers.
Practice Fusion · February 4, 2014
Practice Fusion is the largest cloud-based EHR in the country
A new report put out by SK&A, the leading provider of U.S. healthcare information solutions and research, has listed Practice Fusion as the largest cloud-based EHR vendor in the U.S.
Practice Fusion · February 3, 2014
Resources to understand CQMs for PQRS and Meaningful Use
If you’re interested in learning more about clinical quality measures (CQMs) that are used for Meaningful Use and the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) in 2014, check out the below slides, including “PQRS Reporting in 2013,” “Using Practice Fusion for PQRS EHR Reporting in 2014,”...