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  • Contributing Writer · May 13, 2010

    EMRs and obstetrics

    The use of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) has been quite variable from one specialty to another. Some specialties, like primary care specialties, seem more open to adopting EHRs, while others have had a different adoption experience. Even when adoption barriers – cost, implementation and workflow-disruption...


  • Contributing Writer · May 6, 2010

    Using EMRs to capture public health “syndromic surveillance” data

    The certification requirements for an HHS-Certified Electronic Health Record (EHR) are in the process of being defined explicitly by the National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST). These are the “test questions” that will be asked of EHR vendors in order deem them as Certified....


  • Contributing Writer · May 4, 2010

    How to switch from one EHR / EMR system to another

    Implementation of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in a medical practice is not an easy task – everything that touches a paper record in a medical office (or hospital) needs to be accounted for when transitioning to a new EHR, in order for the paper record...


  • Contributing Writer · April 30, 2010

    Using de-identified health information to improve care: What, how and why

    De-identified patient data is health information from a medical record that has been stripped of all “direct identifiers”—that is, all information that can be used to identify the patient from whose medical record the health information was derived. According to the Health Insurance Portability and...


  • Contributing Writer · April 22, 2010

    EMR safety still a concern, resulting from poor design

    As Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems become more widespread, issues of poor design, and the consequences of that, take on a higher profile. This is especially true in hospital systems, which often are built using legacy, locally-installed client/server technology, geared to being self-contained (rather than...
