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  • Contributing Writer · June 28, 2010

    Evaluating EMR Usability

    Recently, we suggested that innovative business models can drive vendors to produce breakthroughs in EMR usability. We subsequently argued that market forces are more efficient than regulation as a means to assure rapid dissemination of usable EMRs. If the market is to work its magic...


  • Contributing Writer · June 24, 2010

    Comparing HHS Certification to CCHIT

    The question of Certification of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) has caused confusion among many physicians, clinics and hospitals. Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), a new approach to certification came into play, which replaced the legacy method.


  • Contributing Writer · June 15, 2010

    What kind of network should EMRs use to talk to each other?

    Getting Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems to “talk” to each other has been one of the goals of the emerging national Health IT policy. Several of the Meaningful Use criteria for doctors and hospitals, as well as HHS Certification criteria for EHR vendors, are based...


  • Contributing Writer · June 10, 2010

    Using EMRs to close the communication gap between PCPs and specialists

    “Closing the loop” is an important concept in coordination of health care, which refers to good communication between referring physicians and those clinicians who receive the referrals. Much needless healthcare cost results from a poorly coordinated and fragmented healthcare delivery system, where duplication of testing...


  • Contributing Writer · June 8, 2010

    Pediatric EMRs and the unique needs of children

    In order that Electronic Health Record(EHR) systems meet the needs of pediatricians, several core functionalities need to be included. Children have unique health care needs and their providers have unique data needs.
