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Data regarding a test on a lab order

Field Name Data type Field Description
PatientPracticeGuid Guid Unique identifier representing a patient
OrderGuid Guid Unique identifier representing the lab order
OrderItemGuid Guid Unique identifier representing the lab order test
Code String Code representing the test
LoincCode String LOINC Code representing the test
Name String Name of the test
AccountNumber String Account associate with the test
LabGuid Guid? Unique identifier representing the lab
IsGenericLab Boolean True, if the lab is a generic lab, false otherwise.
CollectionDateTimeUtc DateTime UTC Date and time when the test should be conducted
IsStat Boolean Indicates whether emergency/rush processing is requested
Note String Note attached to the test
ProvenanceProfileGuid Guid? Unique identifier representing the profile who made the last update to this record in the EHR
ProvenanceDateTimeUtc DateTime? UTC date and time at which the last update was performed in the EHR
LastModifiedByProfileGuid Guid? Unique identifier representing the profile who last modified this record
LastModifiedDateTimeUtc DateTime UTC date and time when the last update was made to this record in the EHR