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Field Name Data type Field Description
PatientPracticeGuid Guid Unique identifier representing a patient
OrderGuid Guid Unique identifier representing the lab order
OrderItemGuid Guid Unique identifier representing the lab order test
SpecimenContainerCount Int32 Number of specimen containers
Note String Note associated to the specimen record
SpecimenCollectionDateTimeUtc DateTime? UTC date and time when the specimen should be collected
IsCollectedAtPatientServiceCenter Boolean True, if the specimen was collected at patient service center
SpecimenTypeCode String Code representing the specimen type
SpecimenTypeName String Name associated with the specimen type code
SpecimenTypeCodingSystemName String Coding system used by specimen type code
OrderBodySiteCode String The HL7 code representing the body site from which a specimen is collected
OrderBodySiteDescription String A textual description of the body site from which the specimen is collected
OrderBodySiteModifierCode1 String First modifier code indicating more information about the body site from which the specimen is collected
OrderBodySiteModifierDescription1 String A textual description of first modifier code
OrderBodySiteModifierCode2 String Second modifier code indicating more information about the body site from which the specimen is collected
OrderBodySiteModifierDescription2 String A textual description of second modifier code
OrderBodySiteModifierCode3 String Third modifier code indicating more information about the body site from which the specimen is collected
OrderBodySiteModifierDescription3 String A textual description of third modifier code
LastModifiedByProfileGuid Guid? Unique identifier representing the profile who last modified this record
LastModifiedDateTimeUtc DateTime UTC date and time when the last update was made to this record in the EHR