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Data representing a patient immunization registry in the Practice Fusion EHR

Field Name Data type Field Description
PatientPracticeGuid Guid Unique identifier representing a patient
ImmunizationRegistryPatientStatusDescription String Description describing a patient’s immunization registry status
ImmunizationRegistryPatientStatusEffectiveDate DateTime? UTC date and time of when a patient’s immunization registry status became effective
ImmunizationRegistryPatientStatusHL7Code String HL7 code representing a patient’s immunization registry status
ImmunizationProtectionEffectiveDate DateTime? UTC date and time of when a patient’s immunization protection became effective
PublicityCode String Code refers to how a person wishes to be contacted in a reminder or recall situation.
ImmunizationRegistryNotificationPreferenceEffectiveDate DateTime? UTC date and time when a patient’s notification preference became effective
ImmunizationRegistryNotificationPreferenceDescription String Description for a patient’s notification preference
ImmunizationProtectionIndicator String Code that represents a patient’s immunization protection type
LastModifiedByProviderGuid Guid Unique identifier for the provider that last modified immunization registry data
ImmunizationProtectionTypeDescription String Description that details the patient’s immunization protection type