A document added to the EHR for a patient
Field Name | Data type | Field Description |
PatientPracticeGuid | Guid | Unique identifier representing a patient |
DocumentName | String | Name of the document |
DocumentType | String | Assigned type/category of the document |
Status | String | Status of the document (pending/signed) |
DocumentStorageGuid | Guid | Filename of the corresponding binary content for this document |
Comments | String | Optional comments about the document |
FileSizeBytes | Int64? | Size of the document |
OriginalFileExtension | String | File extension of the original uploaded document |
DocumentDate | DateField | Date entered for this document |
AssignedProviderGuid | Guid? | Provider this document is assigned to |
LastModifiedDateTimeUtc | DateTime | UTC date and time at which the last update was performed in the EHR |
LastModifiedByUserGuid | Guid? | Unique identifier representing the user that last updated this record |