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Data representing a patient’s demographics in the Practice Fusion EHR

Field Name Data type Field Description
PatientPracticeGuid Guid Unique identifier representing a patient
NamePrefix String Patient’s name prefix
FirstName String First name of the patient
MiddleName String Middle name of the patient
LastName String Last name of the patient
NameSuffix String Patient’s name suffix
PreferredName String Preferred name of the patient
SecondLastName String Second last name of the patient
PreviousFirstName String Previous first name of the patient
PreviousMiddleName String Previous middle name of the patient
PreviousLastName String Previous last name of the patient
PreviousNameEndDate DateTime? Date at which previous name was no longer used
Gender String Gender of the patient
BirthDate DateTime? Date of birth of the patient
SSN String Social Security Number of the patient
MothersMaidenName String Patient’s mother’s maiden name
DeathDate DateTime? Date of death of the patient
IsMultipleBirth Boolean Was the patient born at the same time as other siblings?
BirthSequence Int32? Sequence of birth of the patient
PreferredLanguage String Preferred Language of the patient
Address1 String Street Address 1 for the current address of the patient
Address2 String Street Address 2 for the current address of the patient
AddressCity String City of residence for the current address of the patient
AddressState String State of residence for the current address of the patient
AddressZipCode String Zip Code for the current address of the patient
AddressCountry String Country of residence for the current address of the patient
AddressNotes String Note associated with the current address of the patient
AddressStartDate DateTime? Current address start date
AddressEndDate DateTime? Current address end date
PreviousAddress1 String Street address 1 for the previous address of the patient
PreviousAddress2 String Street address 2 for the previous address of the patient
PreviousAddressCity String City of residence for the previous address of the patient
PreviousAddressState String State of residence for the previous address of the patient
PreviousAddressZipCode String Zip Code for the previous address of the patient
PreviousAddressCountry String Country of residence for the previous address of the patient
PreviousAddressNotes String Any note associated with the previous address of the patient
PreviousAddressStartDate DateTime? Previous address start date
PreviousAddressEndDate DateTime? Previous address end date
OfficePhone String Office Phone number of the patient
OfficePhoneExtension String Office Phone extension of the patient
HomePhone String Home Phone number of the patient
MobilePhone String Mobile Phone number of the patient
IsDomesticMobilePhone Boolean Is the MobilePhone value US-based or International
Email String Email address of the patient
PatientCreatedDateTimeUtc DateTime? UTC date and time when the patient record was created
UnPinnedNote String Note attached to a patient’s chart
PatientImageDocumentStorageGuid Guid? Filename of the corresponding binary content of the patient’s image in the EHR
LastModifiedDateTimeUtc DateTime UTC date and time when the last update was performed
LastModifiedByUserGuid Guid Unique identifier representing the user or system that last updated this record