Medical Diagnosis related to a super bill procedure
Field Name | Data type | Field Description |
PatientPracticeGuid | Guid | Unique identifier representing a patient |
BillingHeaderGuid | Guid | Unique identifier of the superbill header |
BillingProcedureGuid | Guid? | Unique identifier of the billing procedure |
DiagnosisSetCode | String | Coding system associated with Diagnosis code e.g. ICD-10 |
DiagnosisCode | String | Code representing patient’s diagnosis associated with Superbill |
Description | String | Textual description of the diagnosis |
DisplaySequence | Int32 | Order in which the Diagnosis is displayed in the Ehr |
LastModifiedByProfileGuid | Guid | Unique identifier representing of profile that last updated this record |
LastModifiedDateTimeUtc | DateTime | UTC Date and time representing when the record was last updated |