Data representing a patient’s consent to self-pay for a service
Field Name | Data type | Field Description |
PatientPracticeGuid | Guid | Unique identifier representing a patient |
ConsentCode | String | Code (permit/deny) indicating the patient’s preference setting for this service. Permit disclosure or deny disclosure to the patient’s health plan. |
EncounterGuid | Guid? | When populated, the patient encounter this consent applies to |
LabResultGuid | Guid? | When populated, the lab result this consent applies to |
LabOrderGuid | Guid? | When populated, the lab order this consent applies to |
ImmunizationGuid | Guid? | When populated, the immunization this consent applies to |
LastModifiedByUserGuid | Guid | Unique identifier for the provider that last modified the self-pay consent record |
LastModifiedDateTimeUtc | DateTime | UTC date and time when the last update was performed |