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Manual lab result associated with a lab order

Field Name Data type Field Description
PatientPracticeGuid Guid Unique identifier representing a patient
ResultGuid Guid Unique identifier of the lab result
OrderGuid Guid? Unique identifier of the order
LabGuid Guid Unique identifier for the lab
DisplayName String Name of the lab
LabType String Description of the lab type
EncounterGuid Guid? Unique identifier of the patient’s encounter associated with the manual lab result
OrderNumber String Number associated with the lab order
AccountNumber String Account number associated with the lab result
AccessionNumber String Unique identifier for a single instance of a specimen received by a laboratory and its analysis
ManualResultLabName String Lab name associated with the manual result
AssignedProviderGuid Guid? Unique identifier of the provider that this result is assigned
ManualResultReportDateTimeOffset DateTimeOffset? Datetime offset when the manual lab result was reported
ManualResultCollectionDateTimeOffset DateTimeOffset? DateTime offset when the manual lab result was collected
ManualResultReceivedDateTimeUtc DateTime? UTC Datetime when the manual lab result was received
IsSigned Boolean Boolean that indicates if the lab result is signed
Comment String Comments related to the manual lab result
LastModifiedByProfileGuid Guid? Unique identifier of the profile who last modified the manual lab result
LastModifiedDateTimeUtc DateTime UTC date and time when the manual lab result was last modified