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Data regarding a manual lab result test observation

Field Name Data type Field Description
PatientPracticeGuid Guid Unique identifier representing a patient
ResultGuid Guid Unique identifier representing the lab order result
ResultItemGuid Guid Unique identifier representing the lab order item
TestName String Name of the test
ResultObservationGuid Guid Unique identifier representing the manual lab result test observation
Observation String Name of the manual lab result test observation
Result String Name of the manual lab result observation value
Units String Unit of observation
ResultDate DateTimeOffset? Date when the manual lab result was recorded
Status String Completion status of the manual lab result test observation
LoincCode String LOINC code representing the observation
ReferencesRange String Range of values that can be used to compare the observation against
IsShowInPatientPortal Boolean True when manual lab result test observation is displayed in the patient portal
SignedAtDateTimeOffset DateTimeOffset? Date the manual lab result test observation was signed
SignedByProviderGuid Guid? Unique identifier of the provider that signed the manual lab result test observation
ProviderComment String Comment written by the provider
VendorComment String Comment written by the vendor
FlagCode String A lab test result interpretation code
FlagCodeCodingSystem String Coding system used by FlagCode
FlagCodeDescription String A description of the flag code
LastModifiedDateTimeUtc DateTime UTC date and time when this record was last modified