Contributing Writer · January 19, 2010
Meaningful Use lab results: laboratory integration
Ever since the ONC made its recommendations to CMS for Meaningful Use and Certification of Electronic Health Records EHRs, we have been commenting on several aspects of the 25 criteria categories needed to be eligible for HITECH incentives starting in 2011. We have commented on...
Contributing Writer · January 14, 2010
Meaningful Use – the state of interoperability readiness
When the ONC forwarded to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) the documents which defined Meaningful Use and Certification of Electronic Health Records (EHRs), vendors have been studying the specifics of the criteria and working out ways to help physician access incentive bonuses...
Contributing Writer · January 12, 2010
Meaningful Use – what about stand-alone billing systems?
When the ONC passed its final recommendations to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for both Meaningful Use and for Certification, it created a set of 25 items that physicians need to demonstrate in 2011 to be eligible for Stage 1 incentive payments....
Contributing Writer · January 8, 2010
Five Question Friday: Interview with an EHR consultation service
Beginning this year, EHR Bloggers will be featuring a series of interviews with various practitioners, consultants and others with experience and insight into EHR adoption. We call this feature Five Question Friday (though there may be more than five questions).
Contributing Writer · December 30, 2009
ALERT: Meaningful Use Announcement Today
ONC and CMS are holding a press conference this afternoon and will likely announce revisions to the “Meaningful Use” criteria for electronic health record (EHR) systems. To learn more about Meaningful Use and the HITECH Act, visit our Stimulus Center.