Practice Fusion · May 28, 2014
Starting Meaningful Use: The top 5 questions
There’s been a lot of talk about the importance of starting Meaningful Use in 2014. Here’s a rundown of the top 5 questions other providers have about Meaningful Use — and their answers.
Practice Fusion · April 11, 2014
Understanding the C-CDA Standard for Meaningful Use EHR certification
This blog post is part of a series that discuss the technology behind Meaningful Use, the Medicare and Medicaid EHR incentive program that provides financial incentives for the “meaningful use” of certified EHR technology to improve patient care. If you’re interested in joining our talented...
Practice Fusion · March 13, 2014
How providers moved from ICD-9 to SNOMED codes
This is the third in our series of blog posts that discuss the technology behind Meaningful Use, the Medicare and Medicaid EHR incentive program that provides financial incentives for the “meaningful use” of certified EHR technology to improve patient care. If you’re interested in joining...
Practice Fusion · February 14, 2014
EHR Patient Portal: Improving the doctor-patient relationship
With our new product update last week, your patients now only need a phone number and email to register for their patient portal (PHR). While your enrollment workflow will look the same, your patients can now register to access their key health information with simple...
Sophie Scheidlinger · February 12, 2014
Meaningful Use: Our patient portal workflow engages patients like never before
Patient engagement is a huge component of Meaningful Use in 2014. We’ve come up with a Meaningful Use-optimized patient portal (PHR) workflow to help you meet the patient engagement requirements.