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Contributing Writer - page 8

Contributing Writer - page 8

Latest from Contributing Writer - page 8

  • Contributing Writer · November 3, 2011

    Is my health data safe on the Internet?

    Is my health data safe on the Internet? That is a question we hear frequently when describing web-based Electronic Health Record(EHR) systems, as well as the newly evolving field of mobile health (mHealth) applications. Privacy and security of health information is a central plank in...


  • Contributing Writer · November 1, 2011

    Comments on Meaningful Use Based on Experience

    Now that we have accumulated some experience with the criteria for the EHR Incentive Program (Meaningful Use), we can see where some of the pain points are. When the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) set up the criteria for demonstrating Meaningful Use, it was...


  • Contributing Writer · October 31, 2011

    Clinical summary example: How to fulfill the meaningful use requirements

    Providing clinical summaries (core criterion 13) is likely the most challenging aspect of Meaningful Use. The difficulty lies in the fact that the clinical summary must be delivered within three business days of the office visit for 50% of all office visits during the 90-day...


  • Contributing Writer · October 28, 2011

    FAQ: Practice Fusion Connect

    Practice Fusion Connect is just 15 days away! I’d like to address some of the frequently asked questions we’ve been receiving as the conference gets closer and closer. If you still have questions definitely check out our Connect website!


  • Contributing Writer · October 24, 2011

    Meaningful Use Commonly Asked Questions

    You’ve adopted Practice Fusion, you are pursing state or federal EHR Incentives this year and you need some guidance? We are here to help. We’ve heard a number of questions in the past few months and have worked to distill lessons from those most commonly...
