Contributing Writer - page 6
Latest from Contributing Writer - page 6
Contributing Writer · January 24, 2012
Should there be national patient identifiers?
One of the challenges in connecting the dots in patient identifiers is linking together all the fragments of health data about a given patient that is scattered widely across many different settings of care – is trying to match patient identities. The practice-internal ID number...
Contributing Writer · January 17, 2012
Closing the Loop in Health Care Coordination
“Closing the loop” is a term that describes a well-functioning coordinated healthcare delivery system. It implies that clinical information flows easily during a medical referral – the referring clinician is able to let the recipient clinician know the pertinent information about the patient being referred,...
Contributing Writer · January 12, 2012
EHR Data Will Help Advance Comparative Effectiveness Research
Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) has been an ongoing effort to identify best-practices for health care, based on clinical evidence. The AHRQ defines comparative effectiveness as research “designed to inform health-care decisions by providing evidence on the effectiveness, benefits, and harms of different treatment options.”
Contributing Writer · January 10, 2012
HIPAA Privacy and Security is an Ongoing Task
Many clinicians who have now completed their 2011 EHR Incentive Program attestation may now, feeling a sigh of relief, believe that keeping track of privacy and security is done – that it was a one-time effort needed in order to comply with one of the...
Contributing Writer · January 3, 2012
The myth of hospital EHR integration: Why can it be so difficult?
As we head into 2012, the “hot topic” in EHR / Health IT circles is connectivity. A doctor’s EHR in the office is supposed to be able to connect with outside sources of patient data – reference laboratories, other clinicians using the same or different...